The pace of modern life is a frantic one. We are being asked to juggle careers, family, friends, and our individual pursuits, all while the standards for success continue to climb. Augmenting this, of course, is the smartphone revolution. We are almost never parted from them, and as a result, constantly in touch and available.

This is having a number of unfortunate impacts upon our health. Researchers have discovered a huge variety of health ailments that have resulted from this reality, and your teeth are squarely in the crosshairs. As your favourite provider of cosmetic dentistry at Macquarie Park, we think you need to remain aware of them.

First, when we are stressed, we tend towards some poorer habits. Our diet suffers, we sleep less, and we might easily smoke or drink more heavily than usual. Our exercise and health regimen might also be backburned. Altogether, these impacts can easily result in our teeth suffering from some neglect.

But there is also a direct physiological impact of this stress, as well. Our body produces more of the hormone cortisol when we are stressed out, which suppresses our immune system. This can result in a gum ailment, known as Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis, or ANUG, where areas of our gums will actually die, and necrose, in our mouth. This can result in receding gums, bad breath, and considerable pain.

In short, it helps to control our stress level. Some deep breathing exercises, or some yoga, can make a world of difference. As can leaving your phone turned off for a few hours each day.

For any and all of your cosmetic dentistry needs in Macquarie Park, come and visit us, or book your appointment today.