At some stage of life, we may notice sensitivity at the back of our mouths. When considering growing teeth, we only consider small children and babies. However, we start growing more teeth in the late teens and early 20s. These are known as wisdom teeth. When this happens, it causes pain; the only solution might be removing these teeth.

Wisdom teeth may not be necessary for chewing and speech functions. As they might start to erupt from the gums and impact the alignment of our jaws and teeth, it is better to remove them. Understanding the wisdom teeth removal symptoms is important so we can return to normal activities in a few days.

What is a Wisdom Tooth?

Despite the name, several people believe that wisdom teeth make them wiser or smarter, but this is untrue. They are the third set of molars that normally come between the late teens and early 20s. As our jaw size decreases over time, our teeth can become crowded or impacted, especially when the wisdom teeth start to grow.

Normally the function of the wisdom teeth is the backup molars, which means that if any of them start to fall because of coarse foods and chewing hard, they can be useful. Although some people have mouths that are big enough to accommodate the third set of molars, it can become a problem for many, and the only solution is to get wisdom teeth extracted.

What are Signs that You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Some people are confused about when the wisdom teeth need to come out or when they can stay in. If the wisdom teeth stay longer, they can cause pain and dental health issues. For this purpose, looking for the following wisdom teeth removal symptoms is important.

  • Pain

One of the main signs that you require a dental procedure is having pain in the mouth. The pain may not go away even after thoroughly brushing or flossing your teeth or taking painkillers. In general, this pain comes from the location of your wisdom teeth.

  • Teeth Overcrowding

The major issue with wisdom teeth is that they are larger than normal teeth, so our mouths cannot accommodate them. When we leave them to grow for a longer time, they can move towards the existing teeth, which is one of the obvious wisdom teeth removal symptoms.

  • Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are another main aspect of painful wisdom teeth. When they try to come in, they start to irritate our gums. As they don’t grow in the right direction, they can’t break through the gums and thus cause pain and discomfort.

  • Jaw Issues

One of the most crucial elements of our overall health and wellness is properly opening and closing our jaw. If we can’t chew and process our food well, we can have problems with digestion. Wisdom teeth can sometimes impair our ability to shut down the jaw comfortably.

Read more: How to Recognise Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

What is the Process of Wisdom Teeth Removal?

The oral surgeon begins by giving sedation medications and administers local anaesthesia for numbing the teeth and gums. The impacted wisdom tooth is exposed with incisions, giving adequate access to the dental surgeon. When the wisdom teeth are visible to the dentist, he carefully loosens them and then lifts them through the sockets.

Later on, the dental surgeon cleans the entire area and then places the stitches. It is worth mentioning that the stitches often start to fall out on their own. Normally the process of wisdom teeth extraction takes about an hour or less than that. However, there are complex cases that can take much longer than that.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Lane Cove Road Macquarie Park, NSW, Australia

It can take some time to heal after wisdom teeth removal, and for a speedy recovery, it is vital to follow the dentist’s instructions carefully. If you have wisdom teeth removal symptoms and removing it becomes necessary, you can allow our dental team at Macquarie Park Dentists to guide you through the complete procedure. We have some of the top oral and maxillofacial surgeons who will offer you the best possible treatment.

Contact North Ryde Dental to schedule the next appointment to stay on top of your oral health.